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2024-10-26 08:30:15 [休闲] 来源:むらがきみえ(村垣美衣)网
北京时间11月29日 ,字母组NBA季中锦标赛雄鹿131-124力克热火 ,表合4战全胜,砍分以B组第一的雄鹿身份晋级淘汰赛。此役字母表组合再次闪耀。晋级特别是淘汰利拉德最后6分钟狂砍13分,一举拿下比赛 。赛球此役字母哥16投11中,迷最其中三分2中1 、强人罚球13中10,字母组砍下33分10篮板5助攻2抢断1盖帽 。表合利拉德18中9,砍分其中三分球9中4 ,雄鹿罚球10中10 ,晋级砍下32分4篮板9助攻。淘汰这是字母哥和利拉德连续第三场双人均砍下30+,是自1963年1月31日至2月2日埃尔金-贝勒和杰里-韦斯特以来,第一对连续3场比赛在常规时间内得分均超过30分队友组合。过去6场 ,他们有5场合计得分60+(11月23日,雄鹿客场不敌绿军,字母哥21分 ,利拉德27分) 。过去8场比赛,利拉德场均29.3分4.6板8.1助1抢断,三项命中率45.6%/39.7%/92% 。字母哥近10场比赛 ,场均得到全联盟最高的34.1分,外加11.9篮板5.6助攻 。看来字母表已快速磨合完毕,等待他们的就是向总冠军冲击,赛后,多家媒体晒出字母哥和利拉德本场数据 ,引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!Best duo in the league联盟最强二人组。23 free throws combined加起来23次罚球 。Give this team good role players and they win the chip给这支球队好的角色阵容,他们能夺得总冠军 。Without Jimmy Butler relax this dont count没有巴特勒,这不算数。This duo is starting to become special! It took a few games!这对组合开始变得特别了!只用了几场比赛 。These 2 getting average 20+ free throws a game that’s more than a lot of teams NBA wild这两个人场均20多个罚球,比很多球队还多 。Best in the league, they’re a real duo Not people like Tatum and brown, who both play completely seperate games联盟中的佼佼者,他们是真正的二人组,而不是塔图姆和布朗这样的人 。字母表他们两个人打的是完全不同的比赛 。Easier when you are not playing defense. They allowed like 120 points a game during that span.不防守时更容易 ,在那段时间里 ,他们每场比赛能得到120 分  。What do u know, giannis disappeared in on offense in the 4th only to be saved by the refs, dame, and Middleton like normal你知道吗 ,字母哥在第四节的进攻中消失了,但裁判、利拉德和米德尔顿像往常一样救了他  。Nuggets still winning and Murray Jokic better tho掘金仍在赢球  ,穆雷-约基奇表现更好。WE ARE WINNING THE CHAMPIONSHIP !! BEST DUO IN THE NBA RN我们正在赢得总冠军 ! !NBA最好的二人组。The Heat will dismantle this team in the playoffs. Pray that they wont get in the playoffs or youre doomed!热火队将在季后赛中摧毁这支球队 ,祈祷他们不要进入季后赛吧,否则你们就就完蛋了 !Heat are the first team in NBA history to get knocked out of the finals and the in-season tournament in the same year热火队成为 NBA 历史上第一支在同一年总决赛和季中锦标赛都被淘汰的球队。Team plays horribly. Winning because dame or Giannis are great players is not enough. No plays from the team. And we’ve played against Miami without Jimmy butler. Imagine us playing without Giannis. We would have lost with 25 easily.球队发挥糟糕,仅仅因为利拉德或字母哥是伟大的球员而获胜是不够的 。球队没有发挥。我们在对方没有吉米-巴特勒的情况下险胜。想象一下,如果没有字母哥  ,我们会怎么打?我们会以25分轻松输掉比赛。Maybe our defense has become much worse, but with Dame in the clutch we are undefeated, and we are also the best team in the league in the 4th quarter lol也许我们的防守变得更差了,但凭借利拉德在关键时刻的表现 ,我们保持不败 ,我们也是联盟中第四节表现最好的球队。Bench Problem板凳有问题。I always think Dame cant keep lighting up every 4th quarter and then he does我总觉得利拉德不可能一直在第四节闪耀 ,但他确实做到了 。He gets to let Giannis score most of the points for 3.5 quarters and than he takes over and it’s even easier when he has guys like Khris to help him hit clutch shots他可以让字母哥在前三节半的比赛中得到大部分分数 ,然后利拉德再接手 ,如果有米德尔顿这样的球员帮助他投中关键球 ,那就更容易了。Giannis and dame highlights tonight字母哥和利拉德今晚集锦。你如何评价字母表最近表现,他们是联盟最强二人组吗?欢迎在评论区说出你的观点!欢迎点赞 、关注和转发

